
Sharring experiences in urban infrastructure delivery.

Historic Street Brick–Reclaiming and Lessons Learned

July 15, 2010 By: Tom Davis Category: Recent Posts, Sidewalk Features, Special Surfaces

20030530 OldBrickStockatCOH_0038.JPGDuring the eight years of street reconstruction in downtown Houston Texas we found many historic street bricks that paved the early streets of Houston in the mid-1800s. The City’s policy was to save the bricks for use in future projects. Two projects have been identified and so there was a need to sort the stored bricks and finally return some of them to service. (more…)

How to Reduce Utility Locate Markings

June 06, 2010 By: Tom Davis Category: Recent Posts, Underground Utilities

2004-03-23 locates on LA MFN and L3.JPGOne way to limit the extent of the multi-color painting of the public streets and sidewalks is a practice called “white lining”. That could reduce the damage caused by wide-area painting when only a small area will be excavated. How it works is that the contractor who knows the area to be excavated delineates that area with white chalk (preferably not white paint even when a water base) by marking small “L” shapes at the corners. Then the locate crew only adds their markings inside the “box”. But, it is not that simple. (more…)