
Sharring experiences in urban infrastructure delivery.

Archive for the ‘Signage’

Accessibility During Construction

September 18, 2010 By: Tom Davis Category: Project Communication, Project Mngt., Recent Posts, Signage


Many of us take for granted that when sidewalks are being rebuilt, or the adjacent street is missing and part of the sidewalk is blocked, we see the sidewalk closure ahead and go to the other side or around the block. We grumble about the detour but it is not a big deal. For someone with limited or no sight, or someone in a hand-powered wheel chair, the detour is more significant.


Avoiding signs to reduce sidewalk clutter

December 19, 2009 By: Tom Davis Category: Misc Urban Infrastructure, Sidewalk Features, Signage

The state law in Texas requires a message 15 feet from each radius point of an intersection to restrict drivers from parking so close to the turn that other drivers cannot see on-coming traffic.CIMG7426.JPG If that message is on a typical sign then the intersection has  four more pieces of clutter in the form of a galvanized  or zinc-coated post adorned with a blue sign with its bolts and nuts. If the installation  is like most then we would also have a base plate bolted to the sidewalk with four bolts that soon start rusting. In general this will not create a positive streetscape amenity. (more…)

Street-Name Signs: Placemaking

September 28, 2009 By: Tom Davis Category: Placemaking, Signage

SNS MainAtWalkerCloseup1.jpgDowntown Houston’s place-making strategy is clearly seen in the use of specialized street name signs.  The specialization is at two levels. First is the dome extension at the top-center that sets the intersection in downtown apart from other locations. Secondly, in that dome part of the sign is the name of the “district” (i.e. Theatre, Retail, Skyline, etc.) of the intersection. (more…)


Wayfinding Signage

July 25, 2009 By: Tom Davis Category: Signage


The Houston Downtown Management District installed a wayfinding signage system to help drivers and pedestrians find major destinations. The signs are large, custom designed units of several sizes that include locally created art on the back side. Some are lighted and that is helpful but it introduces a complication–providing electrical power from a metered circuit in the right of way. That also creates a long-term cost to the operational side of the managing organization. (more…)
