
Sharring experiences in urban infrastructure delivery.

Old Street Brick, Alexandria LA

December 15, 2013 By: Tom Davis Category: Paving, Recent Posts

District D-20120331-00088.jpgHere are photos of very old street brick on 2nd Street in Alexandria Louisiana. The crosswalk is next to the James Wade Bolton House.

District D-20120331-00087.jpgAlexandria has a rich southern history although most of the very old structures were burned out during the Civil War by the North. These photos are here to provide a visual reference about how restored brick streets should look–at least in Alexandria.

Reusing Historic Street Bricks in a Park

September 05, 2010 By: Tom Davis Category: Recent Posts, Sidewalk Features, Special Surfaces

CIMG3967.JPGHistoric street brick have been reused in the newly re-programed, re-built and opened Market Square Park. The history and art in the previous incarnation was preserved and expanded while adding a lot more to do. (more…)